Business start-up packages

Starting your own company is an easy and straightforward process, when done with a specialist in this area. There are many firms offering online company registrations quickly and cheaply, but the price you pay usually reflects the level of service or support you can expect from them, which is often minimal or non-existing.

RosettaPro is one of the best specialists in helping individuals start their own business and then expand it. We provide legal and business support to a wide variety of small and large organisations in many industry sectors and offer everything a company might need at the beginning of its operations and in the future. Our services are often provided on a bespoke basis and meet the strict requirements of ISO 9001:2000.

As a budding entrepreneur you will feel more confident knowing there is our experienced team of professionals assisting you at all times.

To enable new entrepreneurs to start running their business and expand their customer database quickly, RosettaPro have prepared great value start-up packages meeting all needs of new organisations.

Package 1:

  • Formation of a private limited company
  • Bank account application, preparation and management
  • Registered office address in the City of London
  • Legal support during the whole registration process.

Package 2:

  • Formation of a private limited company
  • Bank account application, preparation and management
  • Registered office address in the City of London
  • Company compliance services to ensure compliance with the Companies Act and annual return submission
  • Legal support during the whole registration process.

Package 3:

  • Formation of a private limited company
  • Bank account application, preparation and management
  • Registered office address in the City of London
  • Company compliance services
  • Stationery pack including designs of business cards, 250 copies of approved business cards, letterhead paper, compliment slips and corporate invoice designs sent electronically
  • Legal support during the whole registration process.

Package 4:

  • Formation of a private limited company
  • Bank account application, preparation and management
  • Registered office address in the City of London
  • Company compliance services
  • 5-page website
  • Legal support during the whole registration process.